ACT (Application Center Test) 是一個 Windows 平台上很好用的壓力測試工具,我經常會使用它來對伺服器進行上線前測試,在 VS.NET 2003 的環境安裝之後就有這個好用的程式可以使用了。最近的一次測試中,我並不想在執行測試的機器上裝 VS.NET 2003,所以在網路上找了一些方法,發現有人用 Register Monitor 花了一整天的時間來找出 Workaround,以下就是方法:

Pre-requisite: Internet Explorer 6.0

Steps by step instructions:

*Copy the C:\Program Files\Microsoft ACT directory from you dev PC to the same directory on the remote machine
*Create the Act.Reg and Register.cmd files below
*Execute Register.cmd
*Create a local user: ACTUser with the “User” rights
*Set the Identify of the following COM objects to ACTUser (using dcomcnfg):
– Application Center Test Broker
– Application Center Test Controller
*Give full control to ACTUser on the following WMI namespace using “Computer Management”: Root/CIMV2/Application/MicrosoftACT

== Save as Register.cmd ==
cd “C:\Program Files\Microsoft ACT”
regedit -s act.reg
for %%i in (*.dll) do regsvr32 /s %%i
ACTBroker.exe -regserver
actcontroller.exe -regserver
ACTRegMof.exe -i “C:\Program Files\Microsoft ACT\actnamespace.mof”
ACTRegMof.exe -i “C:\Program Files\Microsoft ACT\actbroker.mof”
ACTRegMof.exe -i “C:\Program Files\Microsoft ACT\actcontroller.mof”

== Save as Act.Reg ==
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“AppPath”=”C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft ACT\\”

在 WMI namespace 的設定部分,執行 wmimgmt.msc,在 Property -> Security 的部分加入使用者 (ACTUser)
真應該找個時間用 NSIS 來包一個安裝檔才對。

來源: /egilh – Learning by doing (

Keyword: Microsoft Application Center Test, Microsoft ACT, Install, Installation, standalone, stand alone

最後修改日期: 2006-10-30



